The Run For Inclusion returns to Milan on the weekend of 21 and 22 September for its third edition.

This year too, the Arco della Pace will be the heart of the initiative, which reconfirms its iconic elements such as the race bib, which participants will be able to personalize by writing their own message as a manifesto of freedom of expression and inclusiveness, and the 7.24 km, a symbol of constant commitment to the themes of the initiative 7 days a week and 24 hours a day.

The great novelty of this edition is "ROAD TO Run For Inclusion", i.e. an approach to RUN, designed to "train" inclusion and achieve real goals.

The project launched in May began with three meetings organized at the offices of some historic Run For Inclusion partners such as Spazio Libellula, Pane Quotidiano and Confcommercio Milano.

Moderated thanks to the collaboration of the Uniting Advisory Board, the events brought together different realities, companies, associations, stakeholders and institutions, through working and sharing tables, to bring out new inspirational reflections, as well as creating connections for reach together, each at our own speed, a more inclusive world.

Then in September there will be space for the "Parks Project", developed thanks to the collaboration of Sport Senza Frontiere (another organization that has embraced the initiative since the first edition) or a series of events in the most peripheral Milanese parks in the name of sport and entertainment, to best prepare for the Run For Inclusion weekend.

“A finish line for every speed”: this is this year's theme to underline how the objectives, a more inclusive world and the finish line, can be achieved by involving every person and welcoming every speed.

This year too, for the third consecutive year, SPORTLAB Milano is happy to support this beautiful initiative because it shares its strong spirit and message of inclusion, at the basis of a healthy and happy sport.

All participants will find in the race bag the now inevitable single doses of WARMUP CREAM and COOLDOWN CREAM to strengthen their muscles before and after the race. There will also be many ambassadors of the SPORTLAB Team, happy to share such a fun and carefree day.

On the website www.runforinclusion.com you can register and find all the information and updates for the new edition of Run For Inclusion 2024.

We hope many of you will come!