Going for a run in the park or attending a gym we can see dozens of sportsmen training with wireless headphones on their ears; but what is the link between music and sport?
We all know, music has the ability to change or regulate mood, generate strong emotions and evoke memories. It is therefore clear how its use can be particularly useful for sport.
Before, during and after sports: how music affects performance
In recent years, many scientific studies have shown the importance of music in sport. According to Costas Karageorghis, Sports expert at Health & amp; Excercise Sciences of Brunel University in London, music is able to help the athlete to increase the quality of the performance. According to the expert, the three main moments of the performance, warm-up, competition and cool-down, accompanied by music offer numerous advantages to the sportsman.
Before starting physical activity, music can stimulate the sportsman's concentration, helping him to warm up more precisely, as well as motivating and putting the athlete in the right mood.
During physical exertion, listening to music is even able to decrease the perception of fatigue by up to 10% in the case of exercises that involve the use of explosive muscle strength. According to studies, performance is in most cases enhanced: this is a very interesting scientific fact that testifies, once again, to the enormous motivational power of music.
Once physical activity is over, it is useful to listen to relaxing songs, with positive lyrics, which accompany the sportsman in the moment of cooling down.

Music and the psychological sphere
Even psychologists say it, listening to music stimulates emotional reactions in us and creates a feeling of greater physical and mental well-being. In fact, music allows us to overcome tiredness, is capable of motivating us to "give more" and therefore allows us to improve training.
Clearly there is no song or type of music that produces the same emotional and motivational effects on all people, however, there are genres of music that are better suited than others to a particular sport. For example, rhythmic and adrenaline-pumping songs are suitable for running or spinning. Conversely, other activities such as pilates or yoga require much softer and relaxing songs and sounds.
Playlists for more performance
As we have seen, therefore, music acts on a psychophysical level, and each discipline needs its own musical genre. Precisely for this reason, every athlete should have a playlist suitable for the physical activity that he will be doing.
We want to share our Ambassadors' playlists with you, ready?